Sunglasses for Men

Shop By
  1. ADIDAS 269 items
  2. AKONI 10 items
  3. ARNETTE 289 items
  4. BALMAIN 9 items
  5. BARROW 62 items
  6. BARTON PERREIRA 4 items
  7. BENETTON 20 items
  8. BLACKFIN 87 items
  9. BMW 40 items
  10. BOLLE 1 item
  11. BOTANIQ 51 items
  12. BOTTEGA VENETA 3 items
  13. CALVIN KLEIN 123 items
  14. CALVIN KLEIN JEANS 114 items
  15. CEBE 1 item
  16. CHOPARD 79 items
  17. CONVERSE 69 items
  18. DITA 1 item
  19. DITA LANCIER 2 items
  20. DOLCE&GABBANA 192 items
  21. ECO 2.0 213 items
  22. EMPORIO ARMANI 281 items
  23. ERMENEGILDO ZEGNA 134 items
  24. ESCHENBACH 30 items
  25. EYEPETIZER 222 items
  26. FERRARI SCUDERIA 99 items
  27. FILA 124 items
  28. FRANÇOIS PINTON 67 items
  29. GANT 78 items
  30. GUCCI 2 items
  31. GUESS 229 items
  32. HACKETT 77 items
  33. HUMPHREY'S 94 items
  34. JAGUAR 120 items
  35. JOHN LENNON 34 items
  36. JUST CAVALLI 56 items
  37. KARL LAGERFELD 39 items
  38. KELINSE 36 items
  39. KINGS LEAGUE 12 items
  40. LACOSTE 201 items
  41. LOKI 47 items
  42. LOZZA 132 items
  43. MARC O'POLO 126 items
  44. MARCELO BURLON 64 items
  45. MARMA 5 items
  46. MICHAEL KORS 73 items
  47. MINI 64 items
  48. MIRAFLEX 8 items
  49. MONCLER 26 items
  50. MONTBLANC 2 items
  51. NAUTICA 18 items
  52. NIKE 195 items
  53. O'NEILL 106 items
  54. OAKLEY 885 items
  55. OFF WHITE 239 items
  56. OTTOMILA 82 items
  57. PALM ANGELS S.R.L. 179 items
  58. PEPE JEANS 7 items
  59. PERSOL 748 items
  60. PHILIPP PLEIN 132 items
  61. PLEIN SPORT 44 items
  62. POLICE 179 items
  63. POLO RALPH LAUREN 315 items
  64. PORSCHE DESIGN 214 items
  65. PRADA 262 items
  66. PRADA LINEA ROSSA 166 items
  67. RALPH 8 items
  68. RALPH LAUREN 43 items
  69. RAY-BAN 2250 items
  70. RETROSUPERFUTURE 216 items
  71. ROBERTO CAVALLI 57 items
  72. SAINT LAURENT 1 item
  74. SCOTCH & SODA 37 items
  75. SERENGETI 202 items
  76. SILHOUETTE 146 items
  77. SKECHERS 83 items
  78. SPY+ 149 items
  79. STELLA MCCARTNEY 3 items
  80. STING 24 items
  81. SUPERDRY 83 items
  82. TED BAKER 87 items
  83. TIMBERLAND 276 items
  84. TOM FORD 377 items
  85. VERSACE 215 items
  87. VOGUE 101 items
  88. VUARNET 1 item
  89. WEB 48 items
  90. ZADIG&VOLTAIRE 9 items
  91. ZEAL 1 item
  92. ZEISS 107 items
  93. ZEN BARCELONA 51 items
  1. AVIATOR 953 items
  2. BUTTERFLY 40 items
  3. CAT-EYE 44 items
  4. IRREGULAR 915 items
  5. OVAL 243 items
  6. PHANTOS 531 items
  7. PILLOW 510 items
  8. PILOT 224 items
  9. RECTANGULAR 2382 items
  10. ROUND 689 items
  11. SQUARE 3036 items
  12. WAYFARER 1 item
Lens Type
  1. Flat 1025 items
  2. Mirrored 1289 items
  3. Photocromatic 193 items
  4. Polarized 2119 items
  5. Standard 7405 items
  1. 24-48 Hours 28 items
  2. 5-7 Days 238 items
  3. 7-12 Days 12146 items
  4. 15-20 Days 9 items
  5. 30-45 Days 32 items
  1. ALLUMINIUM 10 items
  2. GOLD 2 items
  3. METAL 2914 items
  4. NYLON 42 items
  5. PLASTIC 8345 items
  6. PLASTIC/METAL 175 items
  8. TITANIUM 408 items
Frame Material
  1. Metal 915 items
  2. Metal/Plastic 14 items
  3. Nylon 8 items
  4. Plastic 1669 items
  5. Plastic/Metal 28 items
  6. Plastic/Titanium 11 items
  7. Titanium 105 items
Frame Colour
  1. BEIGE 51 items
  2. BLACK 3921 items
  3. BLUE 794 items
  4. BRONZE 84 items
  5. BROWN 2028 items
  6. BURGUNDY 56 items
  7. CLEAR 198 items
  8. DARK BLUE 147 items
  9. DARK BROWN 287 items
  10. DARK GREEN 43 items
  11. DARK GREY 506 items
  12. GOLD 1208 items
  13. GREEN 582 items
  14. GREN 3 items
  15. GREY 1156 items
  16. MULTICOLOR 35 items
  17. ORANGE 90 items
  18. PINK 83 items
  19. PURPLE 44 items
  20. RED 172 items
  21. SILVER 489 items
  22. TITANIUM 6 items
  23. VIOLET 26 items
  24. WHITE 310 items
  25. YELLOWa 145 items
Lens Colour
  1. BLACK 1 item
  2. BLUE 1435 items
  3. BRONZE 76 items
  4. BROWN 1597 items
  5. BURGUNDY 111 items
  6. CLEAR 101 items
  7. DARK BROWN 6 items
  8. DARK GREY 3 items
  9. GOLD 133 items
  10. GREEN 1975 items
  11. GREY 3477 items
  12. MULTICOLOR 174 items
  13. MULTILAYER 8 items
  14. ORANGE 53 items
  15. PINK 89 items
  16. PURPLE 32 items
  17. RED 126 items
  18. SILVER 327 items
  19. VIOLET 154 items
  20. WHITE 2 items
  21. YELLOW 44 items
Set Descending Direction
Items 1-10 of 12546

Sunglasses for Men - Style and Protection at Mr Sunglass

Welcome to the men's sunglasses category at Mr Sunglass, where you'll find a wide selection of glasses designed especially for the modern man looking for style and protection. Shield your eyes from the glare of the sun while adding a touch of elegance to your outfit. Read on to discover the latest trends and the types of glasses we have available for you.

  • Classic Style Sunglasses

Our classic style sunglasses are perfect for those men who prefer a timeless and sophisticated look. With elegant frames and high-quality lenses, these glasses are ideal for any occasion, from formal events to relaxed days at the beach.

If you are an active man and lover of outdoor sports, our sports sunglasses offer you the perfect balance between performance and comfort. With streamlined designs and durable lenses, these goggles are built to accompany you on your most dynamic adventures.

  • Fashion Sunglasses for Men

For those looking to be on the cutting edge of fashion, we have a wide variety of trendy sunglasses. From cutting-edge designs to bold colors, these glasses will help you express your personal style with confidence.

Aviator sunglasses for men are a symbol of style and elegance. Its teardrop lens design and slim metal frame evoke the confidence of fighter pilots. They are ideal for any occasion and protect your eyes from the sun with a touch of timeless sophistication.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What type of lenses offer UV protection in your men's sunglasses?

All of our men's sunglasses are equipped with lenses that offer complete protection against harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. You can rest easy knowing that your eyes are protected from the harmful effects of the sun.

  • What is the material of the frames in your sports sunglasses?

Our sports sunglasses are made of strong and durable materials, such as polycarbonate and nylon. These materials guarantee greater durability and a feeling of lightness during your outdoor activities.

  • Can I return my sunglasses if I am not satisfied with my purchase?

Of course! At Mr Sunglass, we want our customers to be 100% satisfied with their purchases. If for any reason you are not happy with your men's sunglasses, you can return them within our established return period.


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