Sunglasses for Women

Shop By
  1. ADIDAS 202 items
  2. AKONI 8 items
  4. ARNETTE 31 items
  5. BALMAIN 11 items
  6. BARROW 62 items
  7. BARTON PERREIRA 4 items
  8. BENETTON 20 items
  9. BLACKFIN 91 items
  10. BOLLE 1 item
  11. BOTANIQ 45 items
  12. BOTTEGA VENETA 4 items
  13. BRENDEL 62 items
  14. CALVIN KLEIN 164 items
  15. CALVIN KLEIN JEANS 121 items
  17. CEBE 1 item
  18. CHOPARD 112 items
  19. CONVERSE 51 items
  20. DITA 1 item
  21. DKNY 48 items
  22. DOLCE&GABBANA 262 items
  23. ECO 2.0 288 items
  24. EMILIO PUCCI 85 items
  25. EMPORIO ARMANI 128 items
  27. ESCADA 71 items
  28. EYEPETIZER 243 items
  29. FERRARI SCUDERIA 30 items
  30. FILA 32 items
  31. FRANÇOIS PINTON 110 items
  32. FURLA 129 items
  33. GANT 20 items
  34. GUCCI 2 items
  35. GUESS 620 items
  36. GUESS BY MARCIANO 80 items
  37. HUMPHREY'S 87 items
  38. JAGUAR 120 items
  39. JIMMY CHOO 303 items
  40. JOHN LENNON 6 items
  41. JUST CAVALLI 119 items
  42. KAREN MILLEN 7 items
  43. KARL LAGERFELD 128 items
  44. KELINSE 42 items
  45. KINGS LEAGUE 12 items
  46. LACOSTE 61 items
  47. LIU JO 119 items
  48. LOKI 47 items
  49. LONGCHAMP 186 items
  50. LOZZA 28 items
  51. MAJE 66 items
  52. MARC O'POLO 184 items
  53. MARCELO BURLON 64 items
  54. MARMA 5 items
  55. MARNI 155 items
  56. MAX MARA 218 items
  57. MAX&CO 219 items
  58. MICHAEL KORS 336 items
  59. MINI 59 items
  60. MIRAFLEX 12 items
  61. MODO 8 items
  62. MONCLER 24 items
  63. NAUTICA 2 items
  64. NIKE 140 items
  65. NINA RICCI 114 items
  66. O'NEILL 60 items
  67. OAKLEY 337 items
  68. OFF WHITE 239 items
  69. OTTOMILA 82 items
  70. PALM ANGELS S.R.L. 179 items
  71. PEPE JEANS 13 items
  72. PERSOL 607 items
  73. PHILIPP PLEIN 76 items
  74. POLO RALPH LAUREN 28 items
  75. PORSCHE DESIGN 97 items
  76. PRADA 299 items
  77. PUMA 1 item
  78. RALPH 215 items
  79. RALPH LAUREN 140 items
  80. RAY-BAN 2089 items
  81. RETROSUPERFUTURE 217 items
  82. ROBERTO CAVALLI 149 items
  83. SAINT LAURENT 7 items
  85. SANDRO 63 items
  86. SCOTCH & SODA 44 items
  87. SERENGETI 208 items
  88. SILHOUETTE 95 items
  89. SKECHERS 74 items
  90. SPY+ 149 items
  91. STELLA MCCARTNEY 13 items
  92. STING 16 items
  93. SUPERDRY 85 items
  94. SWAROVSKI 392 items
  95. TED BAKER 126 items
  96. TOM FORD 319 items
  97. TOUS 130 items
  98. TWINSET 96 items
  99. VALENTINO 2 items
  100. VERSACE 279 items
  101. VICTORIA BECKHAM 109 items
  102. VIVIENNE WESTWOOD 24 items
  103. VOGUE 460 items
  104. WEB 10 items
  105. YALEA 105 items
  106. ZADIG&VOLTAIRE 105 items
  107. ZEAL 1 item
  108. ZEISS 8 items
  109. ZEN BARCELONA 131 items
  1. AVIATOR 616 items
  2. BUTTERFLY 961 items
  3. CAT-EYE 970 items
  4. IRREGULAR 1406 items
  5. OVAL 542 items
  6. PHANTOS 458 items
  7. PILLOW 451 items
  8. PILOT 119 items
  9. RECTANGULAR 1578 items
  10. ROUND 650 items
  11. SQUARE 3031 items
Lens Type
  1. Flat 1118 items
  2. Mirrored 908 items
  3. Photocromatic 160 items
  4. Polarized 1414 items
  5. Standard 8231 items
  1. 24-48 Hours 36 items
  2. 5-7 Days 245 items
  3. 7-12 Days 13657 items
  4. 15-20 Days 4 items
  5. 30-45 Days 35 items
  1. METAL 3107 items
  2. NYLON 44 items
  3. PLASTIC 9732 items
  4. PLASTIC/METAL 188 items
  6. TITANIUM 313 items
Frame Material
  1. Metal 815 items
  2. Metal/Plastic 12 items
  3. Nylon 11 items
  4. Plastic 1648 items
  5. Plastic/Metal 24 items
  6. Plastic/Titanium 10 items
  7. Titanium 69 items
Frame Colour
  1. BEIGE 226 items
  2. BLACK 3655 items
  3. BLUE 662 items
  4. BRONW 2 items
  5. BRONZE 102 items
  6. BROWN 2652 items
  7. BURGUNDY 188 items
  8. CLEAR 140 items
  9. DARK BLUE 85 items
  10. DARK BROWN 438 items
  11. DARK GREEN 45 items
  12. DARK GREY 282 items
  13. DARK RED 1 item
  14. GOLD 1671 items
  15. GREEN 601 items
  16. GREN 1 item
  17. GREY 766 items
  18. MULTICOLOR 43 items
  19. ORANGE 133 items
  20. PINK 447 items
  21. PURPLE 170 items
  22. RED 425 items
  23. SILVER 433 items
  24. TITANIUM 6 items
  25. VILET 1 item
  26. VIOLET 137 items
  27. WHITE 468 items
  28. YELLOWa 139 items
Lens Colour
  1. BEIGE 8 items
  2. BLUE 1174 items
  3. BRONZE 75 items
  4. BROWN 2769 items
  5. BURGUNDY 179 items
  6. CLEAR 50 items
  7. DARK BROWN 7 items
  8. DARK GREY 4 items
  9. GOLD 153 items
  10. GREEN 1490 items
  11. GREY 3689 items
  12. MULTICOLOR 58 items
  13. ORANGE 51 items
  14. PINK 326 items
  15. PURPLE 81 items
  16. RED 71 items
  17. SILVER 212 items
  18. VIOLET 310 items
  19. WHITE 2 items
  20. YELLOW 52 items
Set Descending Direction
Items 1-10 of 14019

Stylish Designer Sunglasses with Versatile Frames

Our elegantly designed sunglasses are perfect for women looking for a sophisticated and classy look. With square frames that add a touch of modernity, oval frames that soften your features, cat-eye frames that accentuate your personality, rectangular frames that convey professionalism, and round frames that evoke a retro charm, these glasses will accompany you on any occasion from formal meetings to relaxed walks in the city.

Retro and Timeless Style with Iconic Frames

If you are a lover of retro and you are looking for a touch of timeless style, our sunglasses are ideal for you. These iconic cat-eye frame designs accentuate your features and give you a unique and feminine look. Plus, our round frames will take you back in time while maintaining an up-to-date elegance.

Sports Sunglasses for Women with Functional Frames

For active women and athletes, we offer a selection of sports sunglasses designed for optimal performance and maximum comfort. With frames with aerodynamic lines, these glasses will allow you to enjoy your outdoor activities with unparalleled protection for your eyes. Whether it's square frames for a rugged look, oval frames for a balance between sportiness and style, or frames with an angular edge to express your determination, you'll find the perfect option to combine performance and fashion.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do women's sunglasses at Mr. Sunglass offer UV protection?

Yeah! All of our women's sunglasses are equipped with lenses that offer full protection against ultraviolet (UV) rays. You can feel safe knowing that your eyes will be protected from the sun.

  • What should I take into account when choosing sunglasses for my type of face?

When choosing sunglasses, it is important to consider the shape of your face. For example, round faces look better with angled frames, while square faces look good with rounded frames. Our team will be happy to advise you to find the style that best suits you.

  • Can I exchange or return my sunglasses if I am not satisfied with my purchase?

Of course! At Mr. Sunglass, we want you to be completely satisfied with your sunglasses. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can return or exchange them within our established return period.


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